Upgrade of Tallinn Airport Aircraft De-icing Control System

Upgrade of Tallinn Airport Aircraft De-icing Control System
Tallinn Airport ordered from us the upgrade to a solution that we delivered in 2018. The upgrade includes power generator, additional workstation, and additional LED screens.

AS Tallinna Lennujaam procures a system consisting of screens and software that displays texts according to the de-ice operator’s choices. The operator uses a web-based control software that is used through a tablet to give commands.

3 Steps Roadmap - From Deice at the Gate to Deice at Dedicated Pad

The existing system consists of a screen on the trailer, a web interface and a tablet.

The expansion will add two more screens with additional tablets and the necessary mounts to the system. The existing software will be adapted to allow the operation of three screens at the same time.

Deployable DeIce LED Message Board Solution at Tallinn Airport

In addition, current deployable display unit will be upgraded with a diesel generator to allow autonomous work for at least 8 hours.

More about the Deployable DeIce LED Message Board Solution may be found here.

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Exploring Modern Interfaces for LED Message Boards

Exploring Modern Interfaces for LED Message Boards

At Ampron, we pride ourselves on delivering cutting-edge LED message boards equipped with our proprietary communication protocol. We’re always eager to share insights that highlight the unique advantages and applications of our technology.

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Ampron test lab can perform tests in full accordance with EN60529 (also known as IP rating or enclosure waterproof tests), EN62262 (also known as IK rating or vandalism tests) and EN60068 (parts related to temperature and humidity). Some test methods of military standards MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-810, MIL- STD-833 and MIL-STD-1344 are also supported.

Ampron Environmental Testlab

Ampron test lab can perform tests in full accordance with EN60529 (also known as IP rating or enclosure waterproof tests), EN62262 (also known as IK rating or vandalism tests) and EN60068 (parts related to temperature and humidity). Some test methods of military standards MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-810, MIL- STD-833 and MIL-STD-1344 are also supported.

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